We fell in love with coffee. We fell in love roasting coffee. They say roasting is a craft that combines culinary art and science.

You have to understand the science behind pyrolysis, or changes and reactions that are a result of application of heat, to know how to go about roasting. On the other hand, you have to have the heart to understand the coffee and the guts to push the envelope sometimes to give a coffee its fair recognition.

We believed strongly in quality. We think everyone should be drinking decent coffee, fresh and good coffee. Life is short anyway, why waste it drinking bad coffee.

Trust is a big word in the modern society. We are kind of a bit old-schooled, in a way. We think that honesty is the fundamental way forward to build trust. We appreciate long term partnership and we hope to be your trusted partner in the quest for coffee.

We believed in sustainability. Sustainability in the form of recycling in our own little ways (coffee compost), sustainability in pricing etc. We are a small company but we practise “take what you need, do what you can” mindset.

“Roasting coffee is a craft similar to traditional photo processing. The amount of light you shine on the negative will form the image imprinted onto photo paper beneath. This is like roasting, how much heat & when you apply to the coffee beans shall decide the final outcome of your master piece (roast).


Come drop us a note, get started today.

Drink good coffee, drink it fresh.